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How Depression Affects Family

Depression is a mood disorder that affects millions of people in the country every year. Its symptoms appear different in nearly every person suffering. It can affect your physical and mental health, and bring great stress upon your interpersonal relationships.

What are depression symptoms?

Everyone experiences depression differently — most people with depression will suffer multiple depressive episodes, but some may only have one depressive episode throughout their lifetime.

The common symptoms of depressive include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Sadness

  2. Emptiness

  3. Hopelessness

  4. Helplessness

  5. Irritability

  6. Angry outbursts

  7. Lack of interest in things you once enjoyed

  8. Changes in sleep patterns

  9. Fatigue

  10. Loss of energy

  11. Changes in appetite

  12. Weight loss or weight gain

  13. Anxiety

  14. Restlessness

  15. Slowed thinking and movements

  16. Guilt

  17. Self-esteem issues

  18. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

  19. Unexplained physical pains

  20. Headaches

  21. Thoughts of suicide or self-harm

How does depression affect family?

Depression is ultimately feelings of sadness and suffering. The intense feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that are so associated with depression lead to a vicious circle that affects not only the person depressed, but also their loved ones. People suffering from depression can lose interest and withdraw socially, and when left untreated, their depression will only get worse.

Depression can bring on symptoms and behaviors that will weigh on your loved ones; irritability, complaints, social withdrawal, and the consistent depressed mood are some of the worst unintended consequences of depression. Your loved ones may feel hurt or resentful, or may feel guilt and blame themselves for your depression. This only makes the symptoms of depression worse, and the cycle continues to feed on itself.

What depression treatment options are there?

Millions of people in the United States alone suffer from depression each and every year. There is no shame in reaching out and trying to find a treatment plan that works for you.

No single treatment option will work for everyone. Antidepressants are a common treatment, but can bring on side effects, take months to work for some people, and still may not provide relief. The best way to properly treat your depression is to learn as much about it as possible.

One innovative new depression treatment are Ketamine Infusions. Research shows that Ketamine Infusions can bring relief in up to 80% of patients.

Depression Treatment Tips

Learn more about depression — Depression can be caused by any number of factors. Sometimes, an underlying medical condition you suffer from can trigger depression. It is important to identify what is triggering your own depression so you and your healthcare provider can learn how to treat it properly.

Have a social support system — Reach out to friends and family, or consider joining a depression support group. There are millions of others out there suffering from the same problem as you, and there are lots of others able and willing to help. Therapy is a vital treatment for many suffering from depression, especially when combined with other treatments.

What can I do at home to treat my depression?

Medication, therapy, or other treatment options can be helpful at relieving the symptoms of depression, but there is plenty you can do right now at home to help your depression symptoms. These may include the following:

  1. Exercise and Physical Activity — According to some research, regular exercise may be just as effective as antidepressant medication for treating the symptoms of depression. Exercise helps to boost the production of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin. Exercise also encourages the growth of new brain cells and connections between brain cells. Even just thirty minutes of exercise a day can help you find relief from depression symptoms.

  2. Eat Healthy — Try to maintain a well-balanced diet to fight off mood swings and fatigue so commonly associated with depression. Some may turn to sugary foods for the quick energy boost, but complex carbohydrates are the better choice (and they do not bring on the infamous sugar crash).

  3. Get Enough Sleep — Not getting enough sleep can make the common depression symptoms even worse such as irritability and fatigue. You should strive to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal energy levels.

Ketamine Infusions for Depression

Ketamine infusions are an exciting new treatment option for depression and other mood disorders. Ketamine started as an FDA-approved anesthetic, but in the last decade has gained popularity as a rapid relief from depression and anxiety when infused at a low dose into the bloodstream. Research shows that up to 80% of patients will find relief when using Ketamine infusions as a treatment for their depression.

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression we invite you to give us a call today to discuss your treatment options.


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